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The World Trade Center Attack Disaster preparedness: health care is ready, but is the bureaucracy? Mattox K. Critical Care 2001, 5:323-325 LEGGI
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness. Gebbie KM, Qureshi K. AJN, January 2002, Vol. 102, No. 1 LEGGI
Hospital Disaster Preparedness in Los Angeles County. Kaji AH. ACAD EMERG MED, November 2006, Vol. 13, No. 11 LEGGI
Disaster Preparedness and the Chronic Disease. Needs of Vulnerable Older Adults. Aldrich N, Benson WF. PCD, January 2008, Vol. 5, No. 1 LEGGI
Mitigate, adapt, or suffer: Peak oil's new disaster paradigm. Doyle GS. Am J Disaster Med. 2010 Sep-Oct;5(5):315-9. LEGGI
Evidence-based point-of-care tests and device designs for disaster preparedness. Brock TK, Mecozzi DM, Sumner S, Kost GJ. Am J Disaster Med. 2010 Sep-Oct;5(5):285-94. LEGGI
Disaster preparedness among medical students: a survey assessment. Sauser K, Burke RV, Ferrer RR, Goodhue CJ, Chokshi NC, Upperman JS. Am J Disaster Med. 2010 Sep-Oct;5(5):275-84. LEGGI
Systematic review of strategies to manage and allocate scarce resources during mass casualty events. Timbie JW, Ringel JS, Fox DS, Pillemer F, Waxman DA, Moore M, Hansen CK, Knebel AR, Ricciardi R, Kellermann AL. Ann Emerg Med. 2013 Jun;61(6):677-689. LEGGI
Expedited electronic entry: a new way to manage mass-casualty radiology order workflow. Bookman K, Zane R. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2013 Aug;28(4):391-2 LEGGI
Ethical issues in DNA identification of human biological material from mass disasters. Caenazzo L, Tozzo P, Rodriguez D. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2013 Aug;28(4):393-6 LEGGI
"Emergenza Ebola: Esperienza in Sierra Leone" (Rainbow Ebola Response Team) (gentilmente inviato dal Dr. Paolo Narcisi, medico volontario di “Rainbow 4 Africa” in Sierra Leone)
Iodine thyroid blocking: Guidelines for use in planning for and responding to radiological and nuclear emergencies (2017) - LEGGI